Monday, August 22, 2011

run, gina, run!

normally, i keep things to myself b'coz once i start talking to people about something, i tend to lose interest.  but, who's reading anyway... i started running again.  an old fav of mine.  i especially love running when the sun is down and the sky is filled with stars.  however, when you run in a well-lit park b'coz you're a chick with a fear of being taken, you don't get to see many stars.  i like running with my shadow... she either runs beside me, behind me, or challenges me by running ahead of me.  no matter what, i never run alone at night. furthermore, running in the evening is so much more cooler without the heat of the sun beating down you.  my pace is not as fast as it once was... i'm currently at 3 miles in 40 minutes.  i'm working on it... slowly but surely with progress.  if anyone has any tips on how to increase my pace little by little, i'm open to suggestions!  hoping if talk about it... own it... i'll improve it.  i don't know if i'll ever run a marathon... or even a half marathon.  i think, for now, i'd rather much run for myself... for the peace that it brings me... the pleasure... the motivation.  just gimme a dope beat to immerse myself in and i'll dance to the rhythm and run with the tempo.


  1. Good job! I hate running. With a passion! So if you got any suggestions on how to like running, I'm open to suggestions. LOL.

  2. good music! So far, what's worked for me is knowing i'm not going to run 9min miles again... at least not anytime soon... found a pace i'm comfortable with and able to run for at least 30min w/o stopping or slowing down to walk. but honestly... it's the music that keeps me going.
