Monday, August 22, 2011

done, son!

look out weekend 'coz here i come... the weekend came... i attempted to conquer... and utterly failed. but i had fun doing it.  part 4...

after yet another night of fun... 2 days in row!?!... mike and i didn't get home until nearly 3am.  the first thought that ran through our mind as we were entering the 57 fwy... if we lived in oc, we'd probably be home by now.  sigh... soon.

my sunday was spent... keeping the sofa warm.  i did absolutely nothing all day long and enjoyed every minute.  so this is what's it's like to be one of our dogs. fortunate, spoiled, little brats. this weekend’s shenanigans totally wiped me out. i spent all of sunday pretty much in recovery mode in and out of sleep. sometimes you just need to do nothing to do everything.



  1. So is that Poreotics in the monkey masks?

  2. Is that who they are?? I have no idea! lol... still can't figure out... why the monkeys??
