Wednesday, January 25, 2012

new ducks

soooo... i threw my ducks out and got new ones...

after venting my concerns in my last blog entry, the mister and i decided to push back our move in date one last time. he was working throughout the weekend on a big project for his company and the last thing he needed was one more thing to worry about... where he wouldn't have any control over or ability to oversee any issues or progress.

{huge siiiiiiiigh} =)

rescheduling our moving day freed up my entire weekend! i was able to pamper myself with a mani+ped {haven't had one in over 2 months and my nails were wretched from all the cleaning and painting!}, run errands, and do a lil window shopping for new furniture ideas. i was also able to attend my godson's 2nd birthday... yippee!! ohana time with my closest friends is exactly what the doctor ordered!

we also finally agreed on a design for the bathroom! i put together our "idea" on pinterest. we found everything while perusing through Lowe's one night after work. all the items were available and just all came together... aaaaaanndddd... it creates this beachy coastal theme that i've been trying to achieve but had given up b'coz i couldn't see it in all the items i had originally chose... but now i do! i love how everything just comes together once you stop fretting over it. *happy dance*

so... this is the week! sunday, to be exact... the day i go from being a south bay beach girl to an oc beach girl! *another happy dance* eventually, i'd like to live on the beach... but we'll save that goal for retirement perhaps? in the meantime, i can't wait to move this weekend. i can't wait to meet the rest of our neighbors. i can't wait to finally be on a regular routine... to sleep in our bed in our new bedroom... watch tv in our new family room... have dinner in our new dining room... hang out in our new backyard!

we haven't even moved yet and we've got a laundry list of things to do, places to go, and memories to make! {motivated}

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